Feeling Stuck.

Have you ever felt stuck? Maybe you’ve felt stuck in a season of life? In a job? Stuck on a decision, stuck in the same patterns, stuck in the same place? Me too. I’ve been there. Heck… I am still there somedays.


This morning I had a meeting. I had a meeting with an unbelievably impressive woman. She is inspiring. She is go-getting. She is awesome and I am beyond grateful for these people in my life. After my conversation with her, I went to my couch feeling inspired, overwhelmed in dreams and ideas, and feeling stuck. I sat down to talk it out with God and realized that I’ve been wrestling with this feeling of being stuck. This past semester was a learning season for me. As I began my master’s program, I have gained clarity in more ways than one. The Lord has given me discernment in so many areas. In all transparency, in the middle of the semester I was doubting God’s plan. It happens. I was sitting there wondering why on earth this was His plan. I remember vividly hearing from Him to join THIS master’s program and THIS graduate assistantship. I still know that He has a reason for this even though I can’t see that reason and even though I don’t know. What I can tell you is I have learned SO much. I have learned leadership, communication, time-management, marketing, event-planning, and general organization/administration skills. This doesn’t even include the soft skills like how important listening is and learning to take care of yourself. I would be lying if I told you that this semester was smooth sailing. It was a season of learning. I would also be lying if I said that I didn’t feel stuck. Some days I did. Some days I did feel stuck. I felt stuck in the sense that my master’s program is two years, and I was on semester number one. I felt like I had a mountain of school ahead of me… and it wasn’t what I thought I would be learning about. I have all these dreams, but I have also been struggling with feeling stuck about what the next move is. Have you ever been there? Where you have an idea or dream, and you don’t know what to do next? You feel stuck in this space where you have the idea, but you don’t know how, when, or where to step out?  Me too! I understand feeling stuck. If you have been in a season where you feel stuck, confused, or scared, I want you to know you’re not alone. I tell you this story of my past semester to let you know that you are not alone. I also want to let you know that YOU ARE NOT STUCK. You may feel stuck, confused, and scared, and that feeling is real, it is. But let me give you the hope that the Lord has not brought you this far just to bring you this far. You have more in you. He’s spending this time, that we often associate with the feeling of being stuck, as a time to grow, strengthen, and prepare you. I know you might’ve heard that before and that they may just sound like words, but friends, lean into that today. That HE IS NOT DONE WITH YOU. You will be blown away by what this season produces.


What if while you feel stuck, the Lord is looking at your life like a white board with a map of how the season you are in right now, will be the season that you look back on saying I wouldn’t and couldn’t be here if not for that season. That growing season. You are not stuck; your roots are growing. Your generous Father is watering you every single day. Preparing you for greatness. Preparing you for the dreams he planted in your heart.


I hope you can see how these concepts connect. He is an Intentional God. He has intentionally and strategically planned out your life for greatness. Believe that. Then believe that you are a flower, freshly planted, and he is watering you so that your roots grow and become the strongest they can be before you bloom. So that when you bloom, you stand firm. You’re not stuck, you are growing. Growing deep down, so you can bloom. This is the most important season of your life. The Lord is your caretaker, and He has a great, great plan for your life.


I wish I give you a quick fix for the feeling of being stuck, but my best advice would be to go somewhere quiet, breathe. I mean take a really deep breath. Maybe a few of them. Then hand your thoughts, worries, dreams, and desires over to the Lord, ask for strength and courage to take the next step when His plan allows for it. You are going to do great things, and I am so proud of you for preserving through tough times. Keep going, your story is just getting started.


A Word For 2024.


Leveling Up: Getting into a routine, creating consistency, and feeling accomplished.