A Word For 2024.

It was about this time of year, 5 years ago, that my dad encouraged us to choose a word that we were going to live by for the year. We were at dinner, and he elucidated that he wanted us to choose a word for the year. As he elaborated on this idea, he encouraged us to spend time in prayer asking God to lead us to a word that would direct our year. He said that when the twists and turns of life come, this word would help guide us. He explained that it could be a word we wanted more of or needed work on, like patience or humility. It could also be a word that would encourage us when we reach the challenges of life, like courage or brave. As I entered 2019, I chose the word courage. The Lord put on my heart that I would need courage where he was leading me and gave me the verse, Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” My parents surprised me right after New Year’s with a beautiful picture that said, “Courage, Dear Heart”, and I still have it to this day. I hung it up right next to my door so I would see it every day. I changed my lock screen on my phone to display the word “courage” so I would be reminded of my word, the verse, and where I wanted my life to go. I wanted to courageously follow the path the Lord had for me. I can tell you now that year was beyond extraordinary. Not because of some crazy event, although those did happen, but because I was grounded. I was grounded on a word that brought life to my life, on a word that reminded me of the strength of the Lord, on a word that I needed to be reminded of when facing life. I got dressed in courage each day. Every decision I made was initiated with courage. Every step I took was courageous, not because of my own strength but because of the strength and confidence of the Lord. This word helped remind me of why I can have courage. I can have courage because the battle is won. In prayer leading up to the word courage, I remember the Lord telling me that I was going to need courage for where he was taking me. At the commencement of that year, I had just decommitted from the University of Arkansas and recommitted to Auburn University for gymnastics, I was going to leave home and go to college, I was going to start living out my biggest dream. Which of course, comes with peaks and valleys of its own… and was going to (and always needs) courage.


I tell you this because throughout my time at Auburn I shared this tradition with my team and friends. Now, every year my friends ask me what my word is going to be for the year. And since we are friends, I wanted us to do it together this year. I don’t know what you are facing as we approach 2024 and to be completely transparent, I have been feeling weighed down. I have been feeling worried, weary, confused, and nervous. That is not like me at all. But I share this because its real. I share this because if you’ve ever felt like this you’re not alone. Truthfully, I have probably given these feelings and the enemy too much time and energy. I also know that there is no way I am starting 2024 holding on to those feelings. I came across the verse, 2 Timothy 1:7 this morning, reminding me, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind.” This is what I want to take into 2024. I want to take in love, power, a sound mind, peace, joy, forgiveness, favor, light, and truth into 2024. When you are in pursuit of the way of the Lord and the path He has for you, don’t be surprised when the enemy tries to attack you. That’s all those feelings of fear are. BUT the Lord has saved you and will continue to save you from every attack, every battle, and He will be your strength in every valley. I believe that the Lord is going to do great things throughout 2024 for us, friend!


I’ve been praying about a word for 2024 and currently on my drawing board is the word, “free”. I’m not 100% positive that’s going to be the word I will go with, but it’s a start. You can be expecting a blog post, come the new year, with my word. I write this to you though, because I want go on the journey of 2024 with you. I encourage you to pray about what your word should be for the year. What is something you want more of? What is something you want to be reminded of every day? What do you want to exude? What do you want leading you? 


What I found was most enthralling about this word was the power of the mind. You might have heard the saying, “what you think about is what you will become” … it's true. What you dwell on gets bigger. What you focus on is where you will go. The word of the year is meant to serve as a guide to your thoughts. Every time fear, doubt, worry, or anxiety creeps in, you are grounded by the truth of your word. You are grounded in courage, grace, love, opportunity, intentionality, purpose, freedom, forgiveness, humility, boldness, etc. Whatever your word is, let it guide you. Let it ground you. Let it lead you to boldly living out the extraordinary purpose the Lord has for your life. I can’t wait to hear your words for the year and journey with you throughout 2024. I believe this is going to be the best year yet… why not? We have a powerful God, who is able to do immeasurably more than ALL you can ask or imagine. Let’s take that posture into 2024. What if we went into 2024 guns blazing ready to live courageously and full of the strength of the Lord? What if we went into 2024 believing that blessings are there waiting for us? What if we went into 2024 believing God is good, loving, and never intimidated? What if when He says go, we confidently step into something bigger and better than we could ever imagine? We serve a good God. A big God. A loving God. You can take hope that every battle in 2024 is already won. What if we went into 2024 believing that. Let’s go in together knowing we are victorious throughout Him. 


I can’t wait to hear your word. This is going to be an extraordinary year. Here is to 2024!





Let’s Build Together.


Feeling Stuck.