Learning To Rest

The holiday season is such a magical time. I think the holidays are so spectacular because they are similar, but yet different, for everyone. I want to start by telling you that you are so loved and cherished going into this holiday season no matter what it looks like. I hope that your holiday season is full of love, joy, hope, and blessings. The holiday season is so special to me and reminds me of the reason we celebrate and the cherished gift we have of celebrating together. The holiday season also reminds me of rest. It reminds me to slow down, to breathe, to laugh, to kick my feet up, and to refill. John 10:10 is what I am reminded of this holiday season, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I love the last part, “have life and have it to the full”, because that is what it’s all about. Taking time to rest, to breathe, and to slow down and be still is sacred.


I am reminded that when I take time to be still, reset, breathe, and allow myself to rest that I am better, brighter, calmer, and happier. In turn, I am then better, happier, and brighter for those around me. When I take intentional time to rest, to find time during this holiday season to stop the tasks, the busyness of life, and unwind, I become lighter, I laugh more, and I gain energy. This allows me to breathe life into others and bring in more passion and energy when revisiting tasks. However, this does not just happen during the holiday season. I am so thankful for the holiday season because it reminds me of a season of rest and truly just how important rest is. Rest is something that is critical when becoming the best version of yourself. This doesn’t just mean sleeping. Resting looks different for everyone. It may be a bath or playing board games or charades with your family. It may even be starting a new TV show or painting. I find different ways to rest. It may be turning off my phone for an evening or making a vision board. It may be sleeping if that is what my body needs.


Busyness is ever present, and this world often feels like it is moving at lightning speed. For crying out loud... how is it already Thanksgiving and Christmas! Rest is what I realize is essential in every season of life. It’s hard to pour into others, into your work, into your passion, when you are running on fumes. It is also unfulfilling when you are doing work just getting by. It’s tiring running all over the place doing all the things, especially when you are running on fumes. I get it. We are human. We become exhausted, especially when the world feels like it is moving a million miles a minute. I want to encourage you this holiday season to find diverse ways to rest. Find time to laugh. To truly laugh. To allow yourself to slow down. To breathe in air right now. Enjoy THIS moment that you have been given. Not tomorrow's moment, not next year's moment. Be still in this moment right now. Just breathe. You are made to do incredible things and my hope is that you can be full, rested, and energetic as you live out your dreams.


I also want to encourage you that you are doing an incredible job. I see you. I see you working hard, showing up, and doing the best you can. I am proud of you. I also want the best for you. I want you to become the best you that you can be! I know how important rest is and often how hard it is to find… but I know what an impact it makes. I challenge you to rest this holiday season and find ways to implement more intentional rest into 2024 and watch what it will do. I bet you will feel better, you will accomplish more, you will be filled with more grace for yourself and others, and you will overall be lighter and brighter.


I truly hope you have the most wonderful holiday season that is full of rest.





Leveling Up: Getting into a routine, creating consistency, and feeling accomplished.