On The Go With MO

Hey Beautiful!

Welcome to a world full love, fashion, friends, and all the things that make life FABULOUS! My passion is finding the beauty of life. I believe that when you look good, you feel good, and you do good. Here you’ll find my fashion favorites, a blog where we chat about all things life has to offer, and ways to connect so we can make every day a little more fabulous together.




Grab a cup of coffee & come catch up with me!

On The Go With Mo Blog Link

Hey fabulous friend!

I’m “Mo”. I just graduated from Auburn University where I got to live out my biggest dream of being a gymnast, but more specifically an Auburn Gymnast. I graduated with a major in Communication and a minor in Leadership. I am beyond thankful for the most fun, spectacular, and loving family who has supported me throughout this crazy journey called life. Much of who I am is a result of two wonderful parents who have never failed to pour their unconditional love and support on me. My brother is my role model and who I strive to be a role model for. After graduating, I feel that my life has almost begun again on a blank page at 22 years old. I am retired from my dream job, gymnastics, that I got to live out for 20 years and what a ride it was. Now, I am getting my Master’s because like many others, I did not know what I wanted to do or be when I graduated from college. That leads me here, back to Auburn to earn a Master’s with the opportunity to grow, learn, and dream bigger than I ever have before. It’s both scary and exciting but there are two things I know: (1) I know the plans the Lord has are good. Plans to give us hope and a future. (2) The Lord is with her, she will not fall. One thing I am most excited for is to grow, connect, and become fabulous friends living this beautiful life together.

Find Me Here

All The Things

Fashion Favorites

Here you’ll find all my favorite fashion finds! Everything from seasonal trends I’m loving to beauty and fashion products that are tried and true. I love the uniqueness of fashion and the ability to be BOLD and use it to become your best self. Fashion is a way to communicate and through this we get to make a beautiful impact on this world.


As I’m thinking of how to introduce this blog, I am overwhelmed by immense gratitude and excitement that I get to share this dream with you. I love people. I love connecting. I love communication. Above that, I am passionate about people, fashion, and using words and writing to inspire, uplift, and grow in community together. Combining my two favorite worlds of writing and fashion, this blog is a dream come true. Come sit with me friend, let’s chat about all the things.

Work With Me

Here, I get the opportunity to merge the two worlds! This is a place where we can connect for me to style you! Got an event? Let me help you stop the show and turn all the heads. New to business professional and want to be a BOSS Lady? I got you. You are fabulous, let’s make sure your wardrobe matches that!

Look good. Feel good. DO good. That’s how we roll.

Shop More of Mo!

Mo’s Suits



Hey! Want to work together or get in touch? Fill out some info & I will be in touch soon! We can't wait to hear from you!